How To Store Leather Jacket

When you first get your leather jacket, you want to keep it looking perfect. You may be tempted to just hang it in your closet, but that’s actually the worst way to store a leather jacket. The key to keeping a leather jacket looking good is to store it properly. In this article, we’ll share some tips on how to store a leather jacket.

How To Store Leather Jacket

First, make sure the jacket is clean before you put it away. A dirty jacket will attract dirt and dust, which will damage the leather. If you’re not going to wear the jacket for awhile, consider giving it a light coat of saddle soap or another type of leather conditioner. This will help keep the leather from drying out and cracking.

Next, find a cool, dry place to store the jacket. A closet is often too warm and humid, which can damage leather. Instead, try storing the jacket in a garment bag in the back of your closet or in a chest of drawers. If you don’t have any other option, you can hang the jacket in your closet, but be sure to use a wide hanger that won’t damage the shoulders of the jacket.

Finally, avoid sunlight when storing your leather jacket. Sunlight can fade the color of the leather and cause it to dry out and crack. If you must store the jacket in sunlight, be sure to turn it frequently so that all sides get an equal amount of light exposure.

Following these simple tips will help you keep your leather jacket looking its best for years to come.

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How should a leather jacket be stored

When it comes to leather jackets, there are a few things that you need to consider when storing them. In order to keep your jacket in good condition, you should follow these simple tips. First, make sure that the jacket is completely dry before storing it. If the jacket is wet, it will start to rot and decay over time. Second, be sure to store the jacket in a cool, dark place. UV light can cause the leather to fade and crack over time. Finally, use a garment bag or cover to protect the jacket from dust and dirt. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your leather jacket lasts for many years to come!

Step 1 – Cleaning the leather jacket

Leather jackets are often seen as a high-maintenance item of clothing. But, with a little bit of care and attention, they can actually be quite easy to keep clean. The key is to avoid using harsh chemicals or scrubbing the leather too vigorously, as this can damage the material. Instead, opt for gentle cleaning methods that will leave your jacket looking as good as new.

  • Inspect your jacket for any stains or spots that need extra attention. If you have any stubborn stains, you may need to pre-treat them with a stain remover before moving on to the next step.
  • Once you’ve pre-treated any spots, it’s time to start cleaning the jacket. Fill a bucket or sink with cool water and add a small amount of mild soap. Submerge your jacket in the soapy water and let it soak for about 10 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes, take the jacket out of the water and gently scrub away any dirt or grime with a soft brush. Be sure to focus on any areas that seem extra dirty.
  • Rinse the jacket with cool water until all the soap suds are gone. Do not wring out the jacket, as this could damage the material. Instead, gently squeeze out any excess water and pat dry with a towel.
  • Hang the jacket up to air dry in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Once it’s dry, you can put it back in your closet and enjoy wearing it all spring and summer long.

By following these simple steps, you can easily clean your leather jacket at home without damaging the material. With a little bit of care and attention, your jacket will last for years to come.

Step 2 – Protecting the leather jacket from damage

Leather jackets are a great way to add an edge to any outfit, but they can be pricey. A good leather jacket can last for years if it is properly cared for. However, leather is a delicate material and needs to be treated with care to avoid damage. Here are a few tips on how you can protect your leather jacket from damage.

  • Store your leather jacket in a cool, dry place. Leather is a natural material and is sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity. To avoid damaging your jacket, store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or heat sources. If you live in an area with high humidity, you may want to invest in a breathable garment bag to keep your jacket in tip-top shape.
  • Avoid getting it wet. If you do get your jacket wet, be sure to blot the excess moisture with a clean towel and allow it to air dry naturally. Never put your leather jacket in the washing machine or dryer, as this will damage the material. If your jacket gets wet frequently, consider waterproofing it with a spray-on waterproofing agent designed for use on leather garments.
  • Protect it from pests. Moths and other pests can cause irreparable damage to your leather jacket if they get into it while it’s in storage. Be sure to store your jacket in a breathable garment bag or storage container with mothballs or cedar chips to keep these critters at bay. Inspect your jacket regularly for any signs of damage from pests so you can take care of the problem before it gets worse.
  • Don’t neglect the lining. The lining of your leather jacket is just as important as the exterior. Be sure to brush off any dirt or debris that gets caught in the lining and spot-clean spills as soon as possible with a mild soap and water solution. Neglecting to clean the lining of your jacket can lead to permanent staining or even holes developing over time.
  • Get it professionally cleaned every few years. Even if you take good care of your leather jacket at home, it’s still important to have it professionally cleaned every few years by a qualified Leather Care Specialist (LCS). LCS’s use gentle cleaning solutions and techniques that won’t damage your jacket like harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbing can. They also have access to specialized equipment like UV lightboxes that kill bacteria and viruses that could cause odor or stains on your garment over time if left untreated

A quality leather jacket is an investment piece that can last for years if properly cared for. By following these simple tips on how to protect your leather jacket from damage, you can ensure that your favorite go-to piece remains looking sharp season after season.

Step 3 – Storing the leather jacket

A leather jacket is a must-have in any man’s wardrobe. It can be worn both casually and formally, making it a versatile piece of clothing. Leather jackets should be stored properly, however, to ensure that they last for many years. Here are some tips on how to store a leather jacket.

How to hang the leather jacket

There are a few things you need to do in order to hang a leather jacket properly:

  • First, invest in a good quality hanger. This will help support the weight of the jacket and keep it from stretching out over time.
  • Look for a hanger that has a wide base and rounded shoulders. This will help distribute the weight evenly and prevent the jacket from slipping off of the hanger.
  • Avoid using metal hangers, as they can rust and stain the jacket.
  • Hang the jacket in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or heat sources. These can cause the leather to crack or fade over time.
  • Allow the jacket to air out periodically by taking it out of the closet and hanging it in a well-ventilated room for an hour or two.
  • When you’re not wearing the jacket, make sure it’s hung up properly so that it doesn’t wrinkle or lose its shape.

By following these simple tips, you can learn how to hang a leather jacket properly and keep it looking great for years to come. Your leather jacket is an expensive wardrobe investment, so it’s important to take care of it properly in order to get the most use out of it. With proper care, your jacket will last you for many years to come.

Stuffing the leather jacket

Before we get started, it’s important to mention that not all leather jackets are created equal. Different types of leather require different care, so be sure to consult your jacket’s care label before proceeding. With that said, let’s take a look at some of the most common materials used for stuffing leather jackets:

  • Paper: Perhaps the most common material used for stuffing leather jackets, paper is an effective way to help your jacket retain its shape. Just be sure to use clean, unbleached newsprint or butcher paper—colored paper could transfer its pigment onto your jacket.
  • Dryer sheets: Believe it or not, dryer sheets are actually great for stuffing leather jackets. Not only will they help your jacket retain its shape, but they’ll also help keep it smelling fresh. Just be sure to use unscented dryer sheets so as not to leave any unwanted smells on your jacket.
  • Plastic bags: Similar to paper, plastic bags can help your leather jacket retain its shape while in storage. Just be sure not to use any old plastic bag—look for ones made from breathable fabric like nylon or polyester. Otherwise, you run the risk of trapping moisture inside your jacket which could lead to mildew or mold growth.

There you have it—a few of the most common materials used for stuffing leather jackets! Be sure to consult your jacket’s care label before proceeding so you can be sure you’re using the right materials for your specific piece. And remember, proper storage is key to keeping your leather jacket looking its best for years (or even decades) to come!

Where to store the leather jacket

A leather jacket is a significant investment. Not only is it something you’ll wear for years, but it’s also an item that will continue to look better with age. Proper care is essential to keeping your leather jacket in excellent condition. Here’s everything you need to know about how to store a leather jacket.

  • The first thing to consider is temperature. Leather is a natural material, and extreme changes in temperature can cause it to dry out and crack. Ideally, you should store your leather jacket in a cool, dry place. A closet is a good option, but if you don’t have one, any room that isn’t too hot or humid will do. Just avoid storing it in direct sunlight, as this can also cause damage.
  • Another important consideration is air circulation. Leather needs to breathe, so storing it in a sealed container is a bad idea. A garment bag is a good option, as long as it’s not made of plastic. You could also wrap your jacket in acid-free tissue paper and store it in a box with some holes punched in the sides for ventilation.
  • Finally, you’ll want to protect your jacket from pests. Moths and other insects can damage leather, so avoid storing your jacket next to woollens or other materials that might attract them. Cedar balls or lavender sachets placed inside the storage container can help keep pests away.

With a little care and attention, you can keep your leather jacket looking its best for years to come. Just remember to store it in a cool, dry place with good air circulation, and protect it from pests.

Conditioning and airing out the jackets

As the weather starts to cool down, it’s important to make sure your jackets are properly conditioned and aired out. If you don’t, you run the risk of them becoming musty and mouldy. Not only is this unpleasant, but it can also damage your jacket beyond repair.

  • To condition your jacket, simply hang it up in a well-ventilated room and let it air out for 24 hours. This will help remove any moisture that might be trapped inside, preventing mould and mildew from forming.
  • Airing out your jacket is also important for another reason – it will help keep you warm! When you wear a jacket that’s been stored away in a closet for months, the fabric can actually trap body heat and cause you to overheat. By airing out your jacket before you wear it, you’ll ensure that the fabric is able to breathe and won’t cause you to sweat.

What happens if you don’t store leather jackets properly

  • The leather will dry out. If you don’t store your leather jacket in a cool, dry place, the leather will eventually dry out and become brittle. This can cause the jacket to crack and tear, and it will no longer be as waterproof as it once was.
  • The color will fade. Leather is susceptible to fading if it’s exposed to sunlight or other sources of UV light for too long. If you don’t store your leather jacket in a dark, cool place, the color may eventually fade.
  • The jacket will become misshapen. Leather is a natural material that can stretch or shrink depending on the temperature and humidity levels in the environment where it’s stored. If you don’t store your leather jacket in a stable environment, it may eventually become misshapen.
  • Molds and mildews can grow on the leather. Leather is a natural material that is porous and can absorb moisture from the air. If you don’t store your leather jacket in a cool, dry place, molds and mildews may eventually start to grow on the surface of the leather.
  • The jacket may attract pests. If you don’t store your leather jacket in a clean, dry place, it may eventually attract pests such as moths or silverfish. These pests can cause damage to the leather, and they can be difficult to get rid of once they’ve infested a garment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Storing Leather Jackets

How to store faux leather jacket?

To store your faux leather jacket, you’ll want to hang it up in a cool, dry place. Avoid hanging it in direct sunlight or near any heat source, as this can cause the material to warp and discolor. If you don’t have a spot to hang your jacket, you can also lay it flat on a clean surface. Be sure to store it in a breathable garment bag or wrap to keep it protected from dust and dirt.

How to store leather jacket in suitcase?

If you’re traveling with a leather jacket, it’s best to store it in a garment bag or wrap it in clean tissue paper. This will help protect it from wrinkles and keep it clean. You may also want to consider placing the jacket in a plastic bag before putting it in your suitcase. This will help keep any moisture away from the jacket and prevent it from getting ruined.

How to keep leather jacket from cracking?

One of the best ways to keep your leather jacket from cracking is to condition it regularly. Leather conditioner will help keep the material soft and supple, which will prevent it from drying out and cracking. Be sure to follow the directions on the conditioner to ensure you’re using it correctly. You should also avoid storing your leather jacket in direct sunlight or near any heat source, as this can cause the material to dry out and crack. To know more, read our article on how to fix leather jacket peeling.

How to properly fold leather jacket?

When folding your leather jacket, be sure to do so along the seams. This will help prevent any creases or wrinkles from forming. You should also avoid folding it too tightly, as this can cause the material to stretch and warp. Once you’ve folded your jacket, place it in a garment bag or wrap it in clean tissue paper to keep it protected.

Is it ok to store a leather jacket in a plastic bag?

No, it is not ok to store a leather jacket in a plastic bag. Leather is a natural material, and it needs to breathe. Storing it in a plastic bag will cause it to become dry and cracked. If you must store your leather jacket in a bag, choose one made of cotton or another breathable fabric.


If you want your jacket to last for years, there are a few things you need to do when storing it. First, make sure it’s clean. Any dirt or debris will speed up the ageing process. Second, wrapped in acid-free tissue paper and store it in a cool, dry place. Heat and moisture are leather’s worst enemies, so avoid storing it in a attic or basement. Finally, give it some space. Don’t cram it into a small box or closet; leather needs to breathe. With a little care, your leather jacket will stay looking good for years to come.

Swati Shukla

Written By Swati Shukla

Swati is a Senior Content Writer at thecelebfashion. Her areas of interest include Books, Movies, Music, Events, Fashion, Fun Facts, and Entertainment. From latest celebrity looks to trends hot from the runway, her writing style is sure to engage the readers in an eloquent way.

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